torsdag 24. januar 2013

Manhattan Roll-Up Keyboard

Hello there ladies and geeks.

So I just got my Roll-Up rubberized keyboard delivered and I have to say I am quite impressed with the quality. Let’s just take a closer look at the features so I can either make a recommendation or effectively kill the product.

The keyboard arrived in a rolled up state in a plastic container, something I am not very pleased with at all. Being rolled up in this tube for such a long time has made the rubber on the back shrink in a bit making the keyboard bulk up when I put it down for the first time. This is not a huge problem and can be solved by rolling it up in the opposite manner and leave it for a while, but it’s something that annoyed me. The second thing I noticed was that the keyboard had an English layout even though the website clearly said Nordic, not the manufacturers fault and I am so used to typing it is not a problem, but still annoying.

Okey, let’s look at some of the features of the keyboard itself:
- It’s made of 100 percent silicone and completely waterproof all the way through, which makes it reliable and quite sturdy in almost any situation, except you DO need a flat surface to use it.
- Keys are quite comfortable and much easier to operate than I expected from the silicone and membrane.
- You will find 2 additional keys on this keyboard marked ‘Wake-up’, ‘Sleep’ and ‘Power’. These keys will communicate with your pc and perform orders corresponding to the label on the key.
- Being a flexible keyboard made of silicone it is not only waterproof, but also virtually indestructible and easy to roll up for transport in a pc-bag or any other bag.

After using the keyboard extensively throughout the day I have grown quite comfortable with it and racing away on the keys like any other keyboard. Just to have said it, this keyboard is definitively not meant for everyday use, but rather by people doing repairs, traveling a lot or maybe people in generally filthy places like a car workshop etc.

I would recommend this product if you feel you need it, it’s a cool piece of tech that can appeal even if you don’t need it. Personally I am very happy with this product and would definitely recommend it to a friend.

Have a geeky day!


onsdag 23. januar 2013

Busy busy


No huge post today, I've been kinda busy all day and now I'm planning to go to bed. I am, however, getting some new stuff in the mail tomorrow, so expect a review or three for the next couple of days.

Have a good evening.


søndag 20. januar 2013

Good morning

Good morning, ladies and geeks.

So what's on the agenda today? School? Work? Loafing at home? Personally I'm going to try to get some sleep after a long night of cleaning out 3 computers, manually killing 3 trojans kinda sucks. On the positive side I updated my security and put in a reserve firewall, no more trojans in any of my systems. You don't fuck with a ninja, stupid.
Have a nice day.



Hi world.

This is my confession, a true one this time.

As humans we have a need to find a mate to drive our bloodline forward, but we have the need for one more thing; a pack. Whether we look for a position as alpha, hunter or strategist we feel the need to have a pack around us, unless that need is robbed from us by exile. We may call them other names; clicks, groups, gangs, even families, but when we go back to the basics we are animals, pack animals specifically. The need to fit in to a pack is so strong we sometimes neglect who we are and adapt to the environment the pack operates in and along the way we make the mistake of forgetting who we started out as. This is my story of how I lost my need for a pack by being exiled from the one I was a member of.

I had always been an outsider and quite the nerd, a title that gave me some form of contact with the others in the form that I was the go-to guy when it came to bootleg cd’s, computers, math etc. This however was never enough and the few friends I had at this time felt obsolete to satisfy my needs in a pack. And in addition I was bullied a lot through school for being a big guy, that didn’t really help the situation. Over the years I learned the art of lying without any tell-tale signs in order to get what I wanted, a dark path to walk down, but one I felt necessary for my survival in this world. It started of small with little white lies about my life, nothing crazy, just little changes to a reality I did not like too much. But as any other addiction it escalated to a level where it became dangerous. At age 17 I was introduced to an environment of parties, drugs, untamed flirting and general fun, at least in comparison to what I was used to as a geek. But in order to fit in to this new setting I felt like the geek had to die, and thereby a new identity was born, one known by a nickname rather than my real one.

This new identity was a hardened marihuana smoking, cocaine snorting half-criminal that no one would dare touch, neither verbally or physically. I created this identity to fit in to this new setting, never knowing I was essentially digging my own grave the deeper I got. Over the months my lies became more and more elaborate, involving impossible scenarios that I really knew no one in their right mind should have believed for a second. I even told them I had been in jail for 6 months for violence without my mother knowing while I still lived at home, that is just insane, even by my standards. The problem was however, no one confronted me about these stupid stories, whether it was out of stupidity or that they wanted me to come clean on myself I will never know. It wasn’t until about a year or so later things started to go wrong, not that they confronted me, they took a different approach.

Me and a friend at the time had been playing poker and I thought it was for fun, with imaginary money. But after a while he started claiming money, in small amounts first, saying I had stolen from our drug supply, making me pay for merchandise that was never missing. Then came the big blow, a poker debt of no less than 50.000kr(about $10.000) which I of course did not have, I was 18 years old and unemployed. It ended up with my grandmother paying him a little over 30.000kr(about $6.000) to get him off my back and I really thought the money thing was over. It was for a while, until he ‘’sold’’ my debt to a guy he owed money too, but that was a while later, and things happened in between those points in time.

After this all went down I developed anxiety and a condition called Agoraphobia, a fear of big places with many people, like shopping malls, stores etc, but it evolved to me not going out at all. My family brought me what I needed and picked up my packages from shopping online, I was afraid to go outside for a long time. Now, I had been wondering about going away for a special school for a while, and decided to take action on this idea. I went away for a year, cleaned up from drugs while I was there and even lived a normal life for a while. Then it was time to go home, home to a new city about an hour away from where I had lived for 18 years. My mom had decided that we needed to get away from that past and start over, but I still had lingering fear for going outside.

In time I worked on this fear, exposing myself to real life a little by little, constantly looking over my back for people wanting to hurt me. Now I have been working at a hardware store for about a year, until the government didn’t see any reason to have me there on their budget any more. So here I am, looking for jobs, hanging out with my wonderful girlfriend and blogging, not a full and satisfying life, but I’m getting there. When it comes to my life in a pack though, that need is gone for good I think. I have never told this story before, but now I think it’s time it got out.

Hi, I’m unknown and this is my confession..




I have no motivation to write anything substantial today, so I'm just ranting about my day.

Today I have done nothing of value what so ever, walked the dog, sent the gf home to her parents after a while on the run, cleaned a bit and now I'm gonna drink a six-pack of Monster Energy and nerd out for 6 hours. On the time table are Planetside 2, Nuclear Dawn and maybe I will dip into D3 for a bit just to help out a friend. Also I might apply for school this year, or I'm thinking about it anyway, media and communication. Going from there I want to go into Gaming on NOROFF and maybe study journalism on the side.

Other than that I'm expecting a package from a former sponsor with some stuff that I asked for. I really like these guys, they take care of their sponsored players even after they quit the game. What they told me is that it's the least they could do after the business I brought them, really stand up guys.

Now I'm gonna go get hyped on energy drinks and frag some scrubs, have a good night!


lørdag 19. januar 2013

Planetside 2


Planetside 2 is a MMORPG from Sony Online Entertainment promising a never-ending battle between three factions spanning over three continents.

The three factions you have to choose from are Terran Republic, New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty, each with their own tech and lore.
The Terran Republic is basically a bunch of people with a God complex, using military might to uphold law and order and viewed by some as the only hope for Auraxis.
The New Conglomerate is a loosely organized band of freedom fighters opposing the iron fist of the Terran Republic led by outcasts and pirates.
The Vanu Sovereignty is an advanced faction using alien technology and aiming to uncover the secrets of ancient artifacts, annihilating anyone that gets in their way.

Though the story and concept of a never-ending battle going on without you as a single player is very interesting, I can’t turn my cheek to the massive problems within the game.

Many of the guns feel floaty and inaccurate; this is especially true for the sniper rifles, which should be both steady an accurate. With that said the guns are also crazy expensive in their ‘pay to win’ model, costing 1000 Cert Points to purchase. To put this in perspective: I’ve clocked over 20 hours and haven’t even gathered 100 CT yet, that is just insane! In order to compete with the other players at all you basically have to spend real money to get more powerful guns. This is a practice I am strongly against; it makes the game unbalanced and boring for new players as they get murdered over and over by their opponents. Stupid business model, Sony..

As for the game itself, it is so full of game breaking bugs and glitches it’s amazing to be able to play the game for 2 hours without it crashing, throwing you through the terrain or dropping the frame rate to unplayable levels. Frankly this just won’t do! Why would you release a game before it is done? I really want to play the game, it’s fun as hell, but I grin every time I start it because I know it will crash as I’m trying to get a stealthy kill or capture a point for my outfit(squad). I really don’t like saying this because it is a really fun game, but with the problems it has it is almost unplayable. My advice: Take the game down, fix it and rerelease it at a later date.. Sorry, but as is the game is a hassle to play.

A fun game with interesting mechanics, vehicles  and story, but so broken it just ruins it for me.


onsdag 16. januar 2013

Mobile games

Good afternoon!

Mobile games have a tendency of getting away with all kinds of shit because ‘’They are only small games on your phone’’. Now my opinion on this matter is a little different..

There are hundreds of millions of people playing games on their mobiles or pads every day, that makes these games a legit part of the gaming industry. As a part of that industry there should be some standards to the games that come out, however small the developer and regardless of the price of the game. Take a game like Subway Surfers for an example, where they stopped the counter at 10.000.000+ downloads, which makes this game one of the most popular in the store right now. The game is supposed to be about precision and reflexes, but that goes straight out the window when the game is full of bugs that make your character stumble for no reason, rolling instead of jumping or that nothing happens when you touch the screen. This for me is a violation of the trust we as gamers have for these developers and that should never happen. This is of course not the only game, it is just the example I have in mind at the moment.

If a game on Steam has problems like this we would demand a patch from the developer to fix them, but as long as it’s ‘’only a mobile game’’ we let it pass so easily. I’m not saying we should form campaigns for the smallest faults, but since these games are such a big part of society today we should raise the bar a little.

Well, that’s it for now, game on.
