søndag 20. januar 2013



I have no motivation to write anything substantial today, so I'm just ranting about my day.

Today I have done nothing of value what so ever, walked the dog, sent the gf home to her parents after a while on the run, cleaned a bit and now I'm gonna drink a six-pack of Monster Energy and nerd out for 6 hours. On the time table are Planetside 2, Nuclear Dawn and maybe I will dip into D3 for a bit just to help out a friend. Also I might apply for school this year, or I'm thinking about it anyway, media and communication. Going from there I want to go into Gaming on NOROFF and maybe study journalism on the side.

Other than that I'm expecting a package from a former sponsor with some stuff that I asked for. I really like these guys, they take care of their sponsored players even after they quit the game. What they told me is that it's the least they could do after the business I brought them, really stand up guys.

Now I'm gonna go get hyped on energy drinks and frag some scrubs, have a good night!


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