mandag 14. januar 2013

Video games and murder

Ok, here's a headline that popped up during the weekend:
''Gamer association asks Biden not to blame video games for Connecticut shooting''

US Vice President Joe Biden is meeting with the ''leaders'' of the game industry this month to discuss the influence of video games and other violent media in mass shootings. Really, Biden? Do you have nothing better to do than follow the example of hysteric parents who thinks their son will transform into a mass murderer after playing COD? It has been proven over and over again that violence in video games DOES NOT turn a normal upstanding child into Charles Manson, but as soon as some nutjob gets his hands on a gun and start killing people the video game industry gets a punch to the face. Why do we as a society feel such a need to find some other culprit than the shooter? Because there always has to be something more, something behind the shooter driving him/her to do these terrible things. Sadly video games tend to be the recipient of the blame in these cases, and the media throws everything it has on it. STOP THE PRESSES! We have another reason to blame video games, drop the cases that actually matters and get on this bandwagon of revenue!

Gamers are no longer a small group of people, 183 million Americans play video games, 183 MILLION people only in America. Video games are a part of our society now and you find them everywhere, at home, in arcades, huge shopping malls etc. If you are going to blame something that hundreds of millions of people do every day for these isolated events you might as well blame eating a certain type of food or sitting in a leather couch. Charles Manson wore a shirt, let's ban shirts! Dommer liked ponies, ban ponies! Lectre likes to read, ban books!

The real truth is that playing video games is just something you do, a hobby or a job, and does not define who you are inside that crowded little head of yours. This witch hunt is simply held up by other branches of media wanting to slander their competition, but I will not go in to that level of politics now.

Have a nice day!


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