lørdag 12. januar 2013


Hello world!

I may not seem like the nicest guy in the world and to be fair I probably am not either, but when shit comes to show this is a blog featuring my opinions, so deal with it *Superhappyface*

Blogging is not a new thing to me, so this is hardly my first rodeo, but I am more comfortable writing in English than Norwegian, so here we are again. Like I said above this blog will be featuring my opinions about news, games, gaming peripherals and pretty much everything else I feel like. The posts about games and peripherals will probably be in the form of reviews including general information about the products.

So why am I doing this thing? Simply because I like writing and since I have gathered a fair chunk of experience over the years I might as well share it with you guys. Gaming and technology have definitely been my passion, I think passion is the right word(?), for at least 12 years now, so I guess you can say I’ve seen my share of stuff. It’s hard to say what type of games I play the most, but I guess FPS is high on the list along with platformers and hack’n slash. I can also add that Indie-games is the genre I’m drawn to the most, mainly because the Indie Developers seem to put more work into every aspect of their games and make them real art pieces.

Well, that’s enough for the starter I think, I’ll see you in the next post!


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